About Me

Hi I’m Johann Friedrich. And welcome to FinResidence – a website that makes personal finance easy for you!

I want to help you stay with FinResidence.com

Thanks for stopping by this site.

When I was younger, I tried to ensure that I was okay with relying on a paycheck for my living expenses and ensuring that I did not make my credit card payments late (well, usually).

Please give me a minute, I want to tell you how I ended up thousands in debt and had no idea how the charges added up, I wanted to make the right decisions but at times they ran the opposite direction.

It appeared nonsensical to me that paying most of my paychecks to credit card companies and money managers then hoping that I would have enough to get by until the next paycheck, was not how to live.

I made changes.

I lived by strict spending rules. I worked on breeding a self-reliant dog. I paid my taxes. At one point, I even moved in with my parents in order to pay off my debts.

Know what?

It worked!

I was able to start over when it came to doing my finances. Along my journey of learning to manage my own money, I came across personal finance blogs. I loved them! An inspired to start my own blog FinResidence.com

Interested in Scheduling a Consulting Call?

I’m glad you’re interested in making wise financial decisions, because I’m here to help.

Are you looking to understand how to handle your personal finances? Do you want to learn more about your credit? Are you interested in paying off debt? Do you want to understand your credit cards?

These are just some of the topics you may find covered here. If you don’t find what would benefit you then let me know!